
What is the difference between a daemon and a demon? Well, for lack of a better way to descibe it, a daemon is an upper level demon, but don't go around calling them that. Think of it this way, telling a daemon they are an upper level demon is like telling a genious they are a very smart retard - they consider it a very hugh insult.

Daemons are dark beings. They thrive on conflic, anger, pain, and suffering. Unlike demons, though, they are highly intelligent and skilled. They do know some emotion.

The following is Darkholm's description of the two.

Angels like humans have a hierarchy and many different forms and functions in it. It talks about the fall and Lucifer taking a third of the angels with him, however it doesn't go into detail about their classifications or what their ranking in his army might be. Like God, he has archangels, generals, and so forth.

In olde English texts you see the word daemon and demon interchanged like they were the same thing. This however is not the case. Demons are baser in nature and actions. They do not have morals or higher aspirations. In other words, they would be like your common street mugger. Daemons on the other hand aspire to learn and immitate human nature in its higher forms. While some demons may hold more power, they do not fully realize their potential, thus they are easier to trap and manipulate. Daemons, while trickier to catch are worth the effort as they have a higher intellegence and perform better. Daemons, unlike demons, are not dead set on destroying things or random acts of violence.

As with most of these descriptions, this is my personal analysis based off of personal experience. If you have anything to add, please feel free to e-mail me.

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