Katcha - Memories, Visions, and Dreams

This section fits in with the experiences portion, but gives me much more room to elaborate on the past life memories, visions, and dreams I have had.

As I stated on my about me page, I started remembering things when I was about 3 or 4 years old. I still have not been able to piece all those memories together or to place them all with specific life times. This is something I will probably never be able to do, either. There is just so much, but yet so little to go with.

There is one memory of being in a boat in the middle of a large body of water. I was there with my grandfather and my mother, but they weren't MY grandfather and mother. I remember it as being the first time I ever saw a shooting star. This is something that could never have happened in this life time, though, not only because the faces were wrong, but because my mother is terrified of the water and would have never of let me on a boat with anyone, let alone got on one herself.

Another similar memory involves being with my grandparents, but not MY grandparents. We were traveling through the mountains and you could see the ocean (sea, lake, or other large body of water) in the distance. The mountains were common in my memories.

I remember snake charmers and the tall woven baskets. I remember a forbidden forest and being chased by some sort of "monster". I remember going through what appeared to be a battle zone and seeing people drifting in the sky and being told by the others that were with me that they were the spirits of the dead. I remember so many tidbits, but nothing to give me any idea as the where or when these events took place.

There are other memories, however, that have such detail. I still don't know where or when exactly, but the details are clearer. I had the first of these memories arise when my mother was pregnant with my brother Jesse. I was no older than 7 or 8 in the memory (which was very confusing for me at the time because I was only 3 when I first remembered it). There was a dirt path with little huts and fields along the way. At the end was a tall tower, part of a castle. I rememeber walking barefoot down the path, accompanied by a tall slender red headed man. What we were discussing I don't remember, but I was in a hurry. I believe I was a servant of the castle, though I'm not sure about this part, I was, however headed for the tower where my best friend lived. When I arrived, she was there with her cousin, whom were both about my age. She had dark hair and wore a gown in some shade of red, much more elaborate than what I wore. Her cousin also had dark hair and wore a gorgeous gown in an odd shade of green. I believe I had to of been a servant, because why else would I have been "friends" with such royalty, let alone allowed into the castle to begin with. Something was not right, though, and they were planning to run away and I was to go with them. All I know is it had something to do with the red headed man. This is probably the most vivid of the memories I have and I used to believe that it happened in this life time - though my mother would argue with me. I know now it was from a past life, but things get even more messed up as time goes on. Remember I said my mom was pregnant at the time. Jesse, the only absolute red head in my immediate family was born from that pregnancy. My arch enemy, so to speak, that I often complain about. I have had an underlying hatred for him since the day he was born. To go into the details of every attempt I made on his life before I was even the age of 6 would take forever. Jesse was a teenager, though, before it ever dawned on me who the red headed man was in the vision. It was him, in a past life. Rather he actually looked like himself then or not, I do not know. I think sometimes when we remember past lives that we see the other souls there as they appear now, so as to allow us to identify them this time around. That's why you will see people you've never met only to meet them later. Well, I confronted my brother one day with it, and wouldn't you know he has memories from the same life time. He however remembers stuff I don't. He goes on about the attack he led on the castle, killing all there. How my friend and I were the only two to escape, hiding in the woods where we were eventually seperated. How several years later I reappeared, having been tought in the magickal arts and considered a witch, then for some reason killed myself by going to the old abandoned tower and burning it to the ground with me inside. Hmm, that last part just never set right with me. I did some asking of different entities, and they all seem to agree that it was not suicide. I got away that night, but he continued to search for me, until finally finding me several years later. He chased me back to the castle where he planned to kill me, but I set the place ablaze with us both inside. He ran a sword through me, but died as well from the flames. Granted, all known events about what came after the plan to run away are hear say. Other than the fact he is the red haired man, I don't remember them, but they would explain my great dislike for my brother. It may also explain why he has always appeared older than me.

Another detailed memory I have is of a house. It would have to be a much more recent time as there are automobiles and trains. I remember this gorgeous white house. There was a large stone fountain in the front. I remember riding in an automobile with my father, on our way home, but there was a train crossing the tracks so rather than wait he took me to look at the house he was planning on buying. It was on the "right side" of the tracks, unlike our current home (you often hear in old books and movies about living on the wrong side of the tracks, but even though we never lived in the fancy rich neighborhoods, the tracks never really made much difference in social status here). Later visions would tell me of a house with a mysterious past. Haunted staircases that lead to portions of the house that have been cut off by all other means. Secret rooms and forbidden areas. I belive these to be the same house, but can not be sure. I remember one vision in which I was looking out an upstairs window and saw a bunch of cars parked outside. This gives me an idea of the time frame, and the cars were no newer than 1950's - early 1960's.

The final of the major visions deals with a pair of bridges. The high road and the low road, so to speak. I can't really say this is a memory, as the tiny details often change from one time to the next, but it is a "place" I have been several times in my existence. Is it the bridge to the land of the dead? Maybe just to a new stage in my life? I don't know. Regardless of the tiny details, the bridge remains the same. It is always found in a dark forgotten area, often overgrown with trees. There is a very unsettling feeling there. The low road is stable, but the water has risen and washed over it, making it unsafe to cross. The high road sways in the breeze. It is much longer than the low road and takes many unneccessary turns before coming to the other side. Though it is the road most often traveled, it is not finished and when you come to the end you must leap to the other side or plummet to the waters below. I have been to this place several times and in my visions have traveled it by foot, by car, by horse, and by other vehicles I can not name. I am petrified by the high road and always try to avoid it, but have travelled it at least once (this was by car because the current of the water on the low road would have washed a car away). I generally take the low road, though the water is about knee deep over the road and the current is swift.

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