The Difference Between A Nymph & A Succubus

Friend or Foe by Titus McGuire

What is the true difference between a nymph and a succubus? Both are sexual creatures that draw energy off their partners, so why is one considered a light being or sprite and the other is a dark being or demoness.

Now, I'm no expert, but I have had dealings with both. The following are my observations only, so take them as you wish.

For starters, don't believe what you see on TV or in movies. Though sometimes you might see a bit of truth here or there, most generally it is flat out fantasy. Nymphs are not always grouped in threes following a pied piper type sayter through the forest. Succubus do not only appear in the middle of the night or only attack sleeping males.

Now for my observations of the differences - or similarities - of the two. Please remember, this is just my observations and should not be taken as gosple.

Nymphs are generally lighter natured. They are kindred spirits that don't mind sharing, but hate rejection. They draw their energy from the actual act of satisfying their partner - which may just as likely be female as male. Nymphs are a much younger being than the succubus and some believe that with age the nymphs actually transform into succubus. Because of their sharing nature, you are more likely to find groups of nymphs than succubus, though most still prefer the solitary life. Nymphs like wooded areas and generally make their homes in large magickal trees.

Succubus, on the other hand, are darker by nature. They hate sharing and won't take no for an answer. Because they actually require this energy to survive, they are more agressive and dominating. They draw their energy from self satisfaction and lust and rarely enjoy the act itself, so if the choosen partner is willing they can draw just as much from the tease as from the act itself. Succubus are quick to anger, however, and an unwilling partner is likely to meet aggression. Succubus prefer male partners and generally see females as competition. They have even been known to physically attack the female partners of their choosen victims. They are solitary creatures that dwell in the shadows. Though they usually find it easier to prey on the sleeping, they will visit the willing at any time. They also have no true time of day they prefer, whenever there is opportunity they are there.

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